Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sarah Connor - Under My Skin

I've had this song for awhile now. I just listened to it today and it reminded me of how I was so addicted to it since the first time I heard it. It's catchy,upbeat & sexy! ;)

If the name Sarah Connor is kinda familiar, well thats cause you've probably heard of her famous ditty "Bounce". It was pretty popular back then.

And here's a tidbit: Sarah is a German artist married to Marc Terenzi who was in the boyband Natural. Marc was friends with Britney.

Yes, I can connect just about ANYTHING to Britney because I'm cool like that.

Another tidbit: I actually attended Natural's showcase in KL back during my boyband fangirl days. I met the guys with Alia a.k.a Katya TWICE during the autograph session. And they remembered me. Hahah. I still have the autographed CD,cassette & posters. I don't care if it's lame or not. Ben liked my t-shirt & I still have it! Humph!

So back to the song. Click here to download it.

Mood: Dirrty

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